Final Project Deliverables

Final Project Documentation (due May 10)

For your final project documentation, you will submit a revised RFP based on where you are with your project. Some of you will submit in-process work, some will submit research, and some will submit final products – ALL are acceptable. Please read the revised RFP closely as there are new fields you need to include.

How to submit:

  • You will post your final deliverables to the blog. Please create a blog post with the title of your project and Final Project plus your name in parentheses. For example: A history of core memory (Final Project: Maria Mitchell)
  • You blog post should include:
    • A header image (this can be any graphic that describes your work)
    • The description section from your RFP
    • Video or other media if you have it
    • A link to the PDF of your final RFP (you can upload it to WordPress and include the media file) *You may present your RFP in any form that you wish but it must include all of the content mentioned above. Consider using this document as a starting point template so that no detail is left out.

Final Project Presentations (due May 5)

The majority of you voted for option 1 in the Google form in which everyone has five minutes to present to the entire class. These will be informal presentations and we encourage you to use whatever format feels best for you: slides, casual conversation, interview (you can ask a peer or one of us to interview you), performance, pre-recorded video, etc.

Here are the guidelines:

  • Each of you will have 5 minutes to present to the entire class.
  • All feedback will go in the Zoom chat in real time. At the end, we will send you your specific feedback.
  • During your presentation you must include:
    • The title
    • Your one sentence description (We will ask you to put this into the Zoom chat at the beginning of your presentation)
    • A brief description of how/if you plan to continue this work in the future
    • This will likely take about 90 minutes. We will stay on the call for the remainder of the time for anyone else who wants to chat about projects, decompress, etc.

Please know it is our goal to set up a safe and inviting space. If you find this is causing you extra stress, please reach out to us so we can help and support you.

Also, this is a celebration of the work we have done together! Please come in your favorite festive attire (PJs count!) with a cup of tea, a glass of wine, cookies, popcorn, or any other comfort snacks you like.