Documentation is a very important part of this course. It will help us think through concepts, continue conversations, and inspire new ideas. Assignments will be given at the end of class and posted to the blog. You are required to post your response by the next class or the day they are due.
These assignments will include readings, videos, and other media. For each assignment, we will ask you to create a reflection on one or more texts and how they relate to the key questions of the course and to each other.
These assignments will include an element of hands-on making, whether crafting, circuit-building, or both. For each assignment, you will generally post images, diagrams, and/or videos of your process and answer reflection questions.
We will review how to document each project individually, but you should still use the conventions below.
How to post
1) Log in to the blog (
2) Create a new post.
3) Give your post a title. Be sure to include the week and your name. So, for example, Week 6 – Weaving memory (Liza) or Weaving Memory by Liza (Week 6). As long as it has those pieces of information 🙂
4) Write your post! Include any relevant images or videos. Be sure to include proper citations (MLA or Chicago) if you reference or quote another person’s work.
5) Under “Categories,” select the Week or Project number.
6) Publish it when you’re ready.
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